1 | 不需要时可以禁用自动行修复。在更新 SQL Server 2000 数据库中的记录后,Access 通常要重新使数据同步,以反映值的更改。 | Disable automatic row fix-up if not required. After you update a record in a SQL Server 2000 database, Access normally resynchronizes the data to reflect the changed values. | |
2 | 发明一种应急构成杆。 | Fix up an emergency mast | |
3 | 发明一种应急桅杆 | Fix up an emergency mast | |
4 | 杰克,手续都办妥了? | All fix up now, Jack? | |
5 | 她走过去劝架。 | She went over and helped to fix up the quarrel | |
6 | 你可以帮我修车吗? | Can you fix up my car for me? | |
7 | 铺好草荐. | fix up a pallet | |
8 | 我来安排会议。 | I’ll fix (up)a meeting. | |
9 | 我们必须很快安排好装饰这个房间的事。 | We shall soon have to fix up about having this room decorated | |
10 | 因此,可以通过将 PerformResync 属性设为 No 而禁用行修复功能。 | You can disable row fix-up by setting the PerformResync property to No. | |
11 | ||1:来自威斯康星洲的共和党议员保罗·瑞恩在奥巴马面临经济事务上的挫败时开始显露头角。他抱怨道:人们认为巴菲特规则是解决我们财政问题的某种有魔力的“预算仙尘”。||2:实际上,根据国会估计,十年内预计筹集到的470亿美元税款,与当前的赤字水平和预计的支出水平相比都是微不足道的。||3:1%的富人阶层已经缴纳40%的联邦所得税了,而近一半的美国国民却根本不交联邦税。||4:参议院财政委员会的头等共和党成员奥林·哈奇反复强调此法案“不过是政治手段”。 | ||1: Paul Ryan, a Republican congressman from Wisconsin who is emerging as Mr Obama’s foil on economic matters, complained that “people think the Buffett rule is sort of budget pixie-dust” that is “going to fix our fiscal problems”。 ||2: In fact,it is forecast to raise around $47 billion in ten years, according to congressional estimates: a drop in the proverbial bucket compared with both current deficit levels and projected spending levels over that period. Republicans are also quick to point out that the question of fairness cuts both ways. ||3: The top 1% of earners already pay 40% of federal income taxes, while nearly half of all Americans pay no federal income taxes at all. ||4: Orrin Hatch, the ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, dinged the bill for “being designed for no other reason than politics.” | |
12 | ||1:他固定和修复自己的玻璃所需要的技术几乎没有什么变化。||2:他伸展H型铅条,或卡梅斯,消除柔软韧性金属的脆性; 熟练地用他的钳子把它们弄直,这样当镶嵌上玻璃后就不会产生空隙;用滚烫的带凿头的焊接烙铁刚好溶化焊条,当把两个条焊接起来时不会化掉铅条。||3:起初这种在涂色中几乎不留线条的双层镀金属的工艺对他来说是全新的,而且技术性很强。||4:但是随着达赫姆项目的进行,他对此越发痴迷,一直到他从那里坠落。 | ||1:The techniques needed to lead and fix his own glass had barely changed.||2:He would stretch the H-section lead strips, or cames, to stop “creep” in the soft, ductile metal; cut them expertly straight with his pliers, so as to leave no gaps between them when they were moulded round the glass pieces; apply the hot chisel-tip of the soldering iron just long enough to melt the solder, not the lead, when joining the strips together.||3:The double-layered and plated technique of leading Mr Denny’s glass, with the lines almost lost in the painting, was at first new to him, and correspondingly tricky.||4:But by the time of the Durham project he had become an enthusiast, and all was going well until he fell. | |
13 | ||1:这些大项目危险重重。||2:同时代的画作显示了大教堂尖塔的倾倒,拱顶的塌陷,高高的脚手架倒在一片八七八糟的木板和柱子中。||3:尽管凭零星的记录难以命名,但意外事故的确在所难免而且经常发生。||4:时至今日,这种劳动的危险一点也没有减少。||5:因此,在9月3日达勒姆发生了惨案,当迈克尔。拉森帮助修复一个大教堂南边唱诗班席位的彩色玻璃窗时,他从梯子上摔了下来。||6:几天后他在医院里死去。 | ||1: The dangers of such projects were legion. ||2: Contemporary illustrations show cathedral spires collapsing, vaults caving in, high scaffolding keeling over in a chaos of planks and poles. ||3: Casualties were expected, and were many, though the fabric accounts often could not name them. ||4: In modern times the labour is no less perilous. ||5: Hence the horror in Durham when, on September 3rd, Michael Lassen fell from a ladder as he helped to fix a new stained-glass window in the south quire aisle of the cathedral. ||6: He died some days later in hospital. | |
14 | 她将共产主义比作喜马拉雅雪人,一样的可怕而不真实。虽然她直到1966年还仍然留在党内,希望“从党内修正”,但她后来说过,这又是一个不切实际的幻想。 | Communism she likened to the abominable snowman—horrid and unreal—though she stayed in the party until 1966, hoping “to try to fix it all from the inside”. That, she said later, had been another delusion. | |
15 | 拉森很晚的时候被召来领导修复窗户。起初签约的那个人生病了,而九月底工期的最后时限即将到来。拉森专业而不遗余力地提供了急需的帮助。紧张的时间表给他添了麻烦,但拉森不是一个只顾跑步的马拉松运动员。 | Mr Lassen had been called in late to lead and fix this window. The man originally contracted had fallen ill, and the deadline for the installation, the end of September, was fast approaching. Help was needed fast; Mr Lassen provided it, expertly and fully. The tight timetable troubled him; but he was not a keen marathon runner for nothing. | |
16 | Robbie和Alexandra对我讲了你们修整旧图书馆楼都需要什么,我计划要就此写一篇社论,我想它能对你们有帮助的。 | Robbie and Alexandra told me what you need to fix up the old library. I am planning to write an editorial that I think will help you. | |
17 | 创可贴固定静脉留置针的临床应用 | Clinical Use of Chuangketie to Fix up Intravenous Indwelling Needle | |
18 | 和几个卖菜人讲上十分钟的话,结果就是拉沃伊先生同意给他们超过8000美金去修理他们的摊位。 | One ten-minute conversation with some vegetable-sellers ends with Mr Lavoie agreeing to give them over $8, 000 to fix up their stalls. | |
19 | 请在船梯口系好安全网。 | Please fix up safety net at the gangway | |
20 | 他现在有十六辆自行车要修理,并且要把这些自行车赠送给那些没有自行车的孩子。 | He now has sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to children who don’ have t bikes. | |
21 | 天黑了,请安装货灯 | It’s getting dark , please fix up cargo lights. | |
22 | 吞口不只固定鞘口,对血渗进刀剑茎有一定阻挡作用。 | Swallow mouth is not only to fix up the scabbard mouth, but also to block off the blood filter into sword stalk. | |
23 | 在此过程中,.NETFramework生成使用XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback委托的集合链接地址方法。 | During this process, the. NET Framework generates collection fix-up methods that use the XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback delegate. |